News Blog
Posted on: 12th Mar 2024мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û's Safeguarding Conference 2024 shared the commitment to supporting those who witness, suffer from or are survivors of domestic abuse.
Over 80 colleagues from across the Trust attended the event, held at the end of February. Feedback from attendees was very positive, with delegates reporting a well received, thought-provoking and moving conference.
Speakers included author Luke Hart, who shared his family’s story of coercive control and domestic homicide. In 2017 he released his book, Remembered Forever, and set up the organisation, CoCoAwareness, to increase awareness of coercive control. Luke has spoken in 13 countries and trained thousands of professionals in identifying, understanding, and ending domestic abuse.
Luke is a White Ribbon Ambassador and Refuge Champion speaking out against male violence towards women and children. He has worked with the charity Level Up to produce and advocate for the acceptance of domestic homicide reporting guidelines and has received a number of awards for raising awareness – including the Lincolnshire Police Outstanding Contribution to Public Service 2018/2019, BBC Inspirations 2020 award and the Big Issue’s Top 100 Changemakers of 2020.
Later at the conference, Colin Stitt, Head of Safer Schools, and Natalie Bradbury from Ineqe Safeguarding Group led a live demonstration showcasing the new Safer Schools app, portal, and latest cutting-edge resources. This hands-on session included a Q&A and encouraged discussions on how these tools effectively educate, empower, and safeguard our school communities.
Colleagues also heard from guest speaker Richard Pringle, who spoke about how he rebuilt his life from rock bottom. It was moving story of death but ultimately one of life. He talked about resilience and how even in the darkest of times we can go on to live happy, healthy and rewarding lives.
Good practice from across the Trust was shared around the areas of safeguarding data, self harm support and the Child’s Voice Project.
We would like to thank our partner for their corporate support of our safeguarding conference and our external guest speakers.